
The 7 best foods for seniors

Nearly half of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions, but less than eight per cent actually follow through on their pledges, the Journal of Clinical Psychology reported last year.

And although New Year’s Day already passed, it’s never too late to set personal goals, and one great way to start 2013 is by eating healthier.

How to lose weight over the holidays

It may be hard to believe, but you can make it through the holidays unscathed, happy, and hopeful. Follow this plan, and there will be no reason to start the New Year bloated, stuffed, or unhappy.

Here are 10 tips that will help you to easily and effortlessly navigate the holiday season without adding on pounds:

Tip #1: Eat Slowly and Savor the Flavor

Research shows that those who slow down while eating eat less than those who gulp and stuff.