Alzheimer's Community Care day care assists patient in Florida

It took 18 months of testing to finally diagnose Ed Unger, 62 at the time, with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, reports.

This had followed years of small signs that his memory loss may be linked to a deeper problem. Unger found himself starting to lose his keys more often or sleeping through a workday. However, as his driving skills deteriorated and he became unable to read his handwriting, the family knew that something was wrong.

Now, five years since his diagnosis, he only shows flashes of awareness, as when he tells his wife, Mary, "Sorry to put you through all of this," according to the news source.

Mary and her son, Jason, have come together to care for Ed, but found the task exhausting.

Alzheimer's Community Care day care assists patient in Florida Luckily, the Alzheimer's Community Care in Fort Pierece has provided adult day care for him five days a week.

This has given these the Ungers some respite as they adapt to Ed's new needs.

Ed Under suffered from the unusual condition of early onset Alzheimer's disease, which only affects 10 percent of those with the condition, according to MetroWest Daily News.

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