Retirement living seniors should discuss the pros and cons of medical imaging tests with their doctor

Many retirement living seniors who are hands-on about their healthcare have questions about the safety of certain medical imaging techniques.

A recent survey conducted by the National Council on Aging (NCOA) has suggested that many older patients and their caregivers may not be well-informed as to the medical testing restrictions that those who have implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers, are subject to.

Retirement living seniors should discuss the pros and cons of medical imaging tests with their doctor

Some patients who have such implants may actually not be eligible for some tests, which could cause complications if the need for a body scan arises.

"The survey clarifies that older adults with electronic implantable devices such as pacemakers need better information on the benefits and risks of medical imaging," said Stuart Spector, senior vice president of the NCOA.

Though it is clear that retirement living seniors should make an effort to understand how their implanted medical device might impact their ability to be screened, the results of the study may encourage doctors to be more proactive about educating patients.

It's especially important for seniors because after the age of 65 a person's chances of requiring a medical imaging test, like an EEG or an EKG, doubles.

Medical experts are also working to reduce the amount of radiation that patients who undergo the helpful tests are exposed to, according to Reuters.

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