Two industry giants to bring healthcare home

General Electric and Intel have entered into an agreement that will reduce the number of doctors' visits needed by the chronically ill or seniors in independent living situations.

The joint venture starts with GE's marketing of Intel's Health Guide program, launched last year to help doctors monitor and inter

Two industry giants to bring healthcare home act patients within their own homes, as well as reminders to the patients for treatment.

Other products monitor seniors in assisted living facilities and may be able to tell caregivers about changes in patient condition, including falls.

According to Intel chief executive officer Paul Ottellini, the systems that are in development will be more effective than more technology in traditional healthcare settings because they are "not sufficient to meet the growing needs that are about to impact a system that is already at saturation point."

The two companies are expected to invest $250 million over the next five years in the new and developing technologies in a Telecare market that may double in size by 2012, according to statistics from Data Monitor.

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