
Seasoned Surfies

Anyone who thinks surfing is an "adolescent activity" needs to get down to the surf beach. Chances are, your assumptions will be challenged before you even leave the car park.

At nearly any surf beach in any state you will see lean, fit men and women in their 40s, 50s and older leaving the car park or coming up from the beach with surf boards under their arms. The teenagers and young adults who sometimes accompany them are their sons and daughters, and even their grandchildren.

Release the Writer Within

By professional writer Rhonda Whitton

Do you have a book in you? If so, what is the secret of getting published? Professional writer Rhonda Whitton offers practical advice to aspiring authors

It is the stuff dreams are made of. Spend your idle hours belting out a manuscript, someone publishes it and before you know it you are the author of a best seller. After that it's instant acclaim, fat royalty cheques and the writers' festival circuit. It all sounds so easy, agreeable and fun.