Seniors bunk up with roommates

Seniors deciding to room togetherMany elderly people do not believe that they need to move into a retirement living community, but would rather continue with their independent living lifestyle. More and more seniors have taken this idea one step further, and decided to be roommates, according to the New York Times.

Anna Novak, 81, and Antiminia Garmley, 65, met through a home share program in White Plains, New York, that teams up elderly homeowners with people who are looking for affordable housing. This gives individuals a win-win situation as they are looked after and do not live alone, according to the media outlet.

Bunking up with a friend can also take care of some of the costs that can go into elder care or senior housing. So, these individuals are able to keep up their home with the help of a friend, the news source reports.

According to, there are currently 70 million family caregivers who provide care to a loved one for no pay. This alternative can help individuals who are struggling to make ends meet.