It is nothing something a person can get tan from, and for it to be successful, people need to do it three times a week, according to the news provider.
"My skin just feels a little bit more youthful after I've done it," user Melissa Vandenbrick, told the news source. "I've noticed some lightening of pigmentation spots that I've had. And I had a mole removed where I had a scare and it's significantly reduced the appearance of that as well, so I've been very happy so far with it."
There have been no reported side effects, but individuals have to continue to use it in order for it to work, the media outlet reports.
According to the Calgary Herald, baby boomers have been changing the ideas of retirement living as they continue with their active lifestyles. The idea of "old age" continues to increase, and some boomers may be interested in this as many do not feel like seniors.