Postal Service's oldest employee retires

Many people are working well past retirement age, but California resident Chester Reed has outdone nearly all of them. According to, when he retired last week at the age of 95, Reed was the oldest employee of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Reed worked for 37 years at the San Bernandino, California processing and distrubtion center as a mark machinist, mail handler and forklift operator.

Postal Service's oldest employee retires Before working for the USPS, Reed was in the Air Force for 25 years. He told told the news source that he felt it was time to retire because he wanted to make sure he could travel with his son while still able.

"My son, he likes to travel, and I'd like to do some traveling and he's a good traveling companion. He's kind of my right-hand man, so I don't know, the Good Book says there's a time for everything," he told the outlet.

While Reed was the oldest post office employee, he certainly was not the only senior citizen looking for work. reported last year that - a site for people over 50 looking for employment - had its visitor count almost quadruple during an seven-month span.

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