Retirement living senior fights off carjacker

Many people would be happy to come out of a carjacking experience unscathed. However, Eliud Haliday, a 70-year-old active living senior, was able to fight of her assailant and reclaim her vehicle.

According to NPR News, Haliday was putting a bag of groceries into her car when she was attacked. Haliday then jumped into the moving vehicle and put the criminal in a chokehold.

Retirement living senior fights off carjacker

"He couldn't talk that much. He just said that he couldn't breathe. I can't breathe, I can't breathe and let go of my neck. I just wouldn't let him go," she told the news source.

The active living senior's aggressor then became frightened and ran away. Unfortunately, he has yet to be found and brought to justice.

Still, Haliday is happy to have her vehicle, as it was a present from her husband, who passed away.

"I'm still sentimental over the car, and for my age, I'm hoping to keep it for the rest of my life," she told the news outlet.

According to, there are about 49,000 carjacking attempts in the United States each year.

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