Menopausal symptoms may be warning signs for low bone density, injury

Ignoring the potential warning signs that some menopausal symptoms are telling one's body may increase the likelihood for falls and other conditions that may require homecare, new research suggests.

Scientists at UCLA found that in the more than 2,000 older women they looked at who experienced symptoms such as hot flashes or night sweats, vasomotor conditions that may come from going through menopause, are mo

Menopausal symptoms may be warning signs for low bone density, injury re likely to have weaker hip and leg bones.

Soberingly, other doctors say that roughly a quarter of older Americans who suffer hip fractures are not likely to survive through the next year.

Dr Jeremiah Clinton says that that statistic, along with new research from his team that found that elderly women with an upper arm fracture are five times more likely to break a hip in the next 12 months, point to a need for older Americans with fractures to discuss options with their doctor.

"What I tell my patients is that we have ample evidence now to support the use of biphosphenates to reduce the risk of fragility fractures, and especially reduce the risk of hip fractures, even within the first year of starting the medication," he says.

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