Massachusetts man treats Alzheimer's with love

For some Alzheimer's caregivers, all you need is love.

Massachusetts resident Saul Rodgers, 89, gives his wife Rita an innovative brand of Alzheimer's care that involves climbing into bed with her and pronouncing his love, over and over again, reports.

Rita's battle with Alzheimer's was fading to a point where she failed to recognize her children or Saul anymore, according to the article.

Massachusetts man treats Alzheimer's with love It was then Saul said he got an idea.

"All of a sudden an idea came to me and I think it came from God. I got in bed with her and I started loving her up, cuddling up. I loved it and I guess she did too," Saul told the news provider.

What appeared to be a sweet gesture between a husband and his wife, turned out to be a form of treatment for the debilitating disease, states After a couple of months, Rita's condition slightly improved as she began to say a few words.

"I believe love conquers everything," said Saul. "I know she'll never recover from Alzheimer's, but I'm going to enjoy every bit of time she has left."

Past studies have shown touch therapy can "help break the fog of dementia and Alzheimer's disease," according to

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