Seniors beware of scam artists

Seniors should be aware of possible scamsPeople over the age of 65 need to be aware of scams because they are more apt to be con artist's targets, according to The Bellingham Herald.

One of out every five people over the age of 65 has been a victim to financial fraud at some point. Some have come to learn that a trusty advisor is actually a scam artist, or found that someone with a seemingly-genuine personality stole large sums of money from them, according to the news source.

Programs across the country are starting to educate these aging adults about the risks of scam artists and what to look out for. The Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation recently started to conduct presentations, the media outlet reports.

According to AARP, regardless whether seniors live in retirement living communities or not, they can be even more susceptible to scams as the weather cools down. Even though the summer is the peak for break-ins while the aging adult isn't home, the winter is the perfect opportunity for some of these scam artists, as they will go door-to-door asking if seniors need their gutters cleaned and trees trimmed. However, once they are inside, they will steal whatever they can right under the homeowner's nose.